martes, 23 de julio de 2013

My Blog

Hi dear bloggers How are you??? I am very tired :C and this is a last week of class.
Today i will writing you about mi experience writing my blog.
I realy enjoy writing my blog because i help me wiht my English, practice my escriture too and work with more words. I really learned wiht this system.
My favourite post was  when i tell you about "who i would like to meet?" and  "my favourite restaurant" i liked because i loved eat and i really will like meet to Anthony Hopkins.
My least favuorite post was  i have write about a piece of art because this i dont like much talk to the art I think  is not a good matter.
mmm i dont know because all my classmate wrote very good in your blogs and all blogs are cute but i like Javiera'sblogs, Andrea'sblogs, Charly'sBlogs, Rodrigo'sblogs, Anita´sBlogs and Belen´sblogs jajajaj i like all blogs.

I think that the most attactive blog is the Charly'sblog because your blogs have music and wonderful  wallpaper.

This blog is a good tool for learn, I like write every week and learning more about this language.
Thank you for read my blog every week :)
I hope see you son.

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

TV Show

Hiiii good and darling friends :)!! How are you ??Today i will tell you about the my favorite tv programme when i was young and this is "Tales from  the Crypt".
This is a tv show very old  about history of terror, when i was a child i  more scare when i was see a tv show but i like see history of ghost, monster and principality i like the star of programme because the camera go over the mansion house until found the guardian of the Crypta, this guardian is  gloomy and a skeleton that to talk and narrate the history.
This tv show was tansmit from 1990 in Chile, in the Chilevision and The Red chanel. I dont remember exactly when has watched but every episode during 30 minutes.
I  liked this tv show because a like all movies of terror and this serie is my first favourite serie of terror in my life i really scare when i saw this tv show.
In addition the creator of the serie also created a movie of "Tales from the Crypt" and the narrator of the this movie is the famous Edgar Allan Poe.
I hope you can see this serie or the movie someday :D i really his recommend you
we see you soon guys bye!


lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

My pothograph

Hi dear bloggers!!!
soon see you in class :)  i hope you are well. I have very cold on this day cloudy
This week i will tell you about a pothograph, this pothograph is my favorite and is very special for me and for my family. In this pothograph shows my little sister Francisca and me. This picture was taken in the 2011 when my sister had 9 years old and i had 19 years old, in addition was taken in my house.
This pothograph is very important for me because represent the union as sisters :) in spite of age difference, in spite of personality difference and we look pretty similar and my sister is the most importante in my life she it marked my life since she was born
 I like this photograph because I remember very well when he was taken, we saw TV with my sister when we started to take pothograph together and we laughed a lot and this was what we liked more.
At present we took lots of photograph  because she goes to school and i go to university and both arrived very late to home.  
Well guys this is my photograph
you think we look similar???

I hope you answer and i see you in the next class :)
Byeeeee dear Bloggers!!!!