martes, 23 de julio de 2013

My Blog

Hi dear bloggers How are you??? I am very tired :C and this is a last week of class.
Today i will writing you about mi experience writing my blog.
I realy enjoy writing my blog because i help me wiht my English, practice my escriture too and work with more words. I really learned wiht this system.
My favourite post was  when i tell you about "who i would like to meet?" and  "my favourite restaurant" i liked because i loved eat and i really will like meet to Anthony Hopkins.
My least favuorite post was  i have write about a piece of art because this i dont like much talk to the art I think  is not a good matter.
mmm i dont know because all my classmate wrote very good in your blogs and all blogs are cute but i like Javiera'sblogs, Andrea'sblogs, Charly'sBlogs, Rodrigo'sblogs, Anita´sBlogs and Belen´sblogs jajajaj i like all blogs.

I think that the most attactive blog is the Charly'sblog because your blogs have music and wonderful  wallpaper.

This blog is a good tool for learn, I like write every week and learning more about this language.
Thank you for read my blog every week :)
I hope see you son.

5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. i enjoy this semester with you as my classmate C: kisses Mane, love you honney :D

  3. Mane I always wrote in your blog, but today is the last time. I enjoyed with your publications.

  4. Hi mane's blog, ok no, hi mane awkjawjawjk i enjoyed your publications jajaja this is a grat blog and i hope see you in english four! c: bye bye

  5. Hi! Mane

    All we find that Charly is the best jajajaj, has music, yours is also very nice, not long ago who visited you jijijij
