martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

My piece of art

Hi dear blogger!!
How are you??? I´m very fine :)
Well guys today i will tell you about a piece of art.
I really dont know much about art, but there is a painting that I am like much, his called "Nascita di Venere" or "El nacimiento de Venus" this is a painting by Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi  but  was known as Sandro Botticelli, he is a Italian painter on the time of rebirth, this painting was done in 1482-1484, is very very old!!!!!!!

first saw this painting for many years in a TV show.
I like this painting because from small I captivated this painting, is very beatiful and misterious.  The woman on shell is the representation of arrival the daugther the God Urano and she is received for the humans.
This is a best painting for me because this a represent a woman but not any woman, she is a goddess that arrived a earth, is arrival of Venus.
This painting is very associated whit a mythology and for me represent the arrival to knowledge supreme!!!.
 this painting is located in florence, in Gallery of the Uffizi.
 And you what is your favorite piece of art??
 I will wait for you answer
 I see you latter guys!!!

5 comentarios:

  1. This piece of art is really beautiful :) I like too!

  2. I'm afrodita, yes sure xD!!! Although I have the same large I'm afrodita, yes sure xD!!! Although I have the same hair long, to color exception :c
    I'm "morenaza" jajajaja xd

  3. Hi Mane!!
    Your paiting is very old, but is so beautiful, in he same line, also i like "El nacimiento de Venus" by Alexandre Cabanel.
    See you, bye!!1

  4. Hi dear Vanesa, well i only can say , i love this paiting because is a part of History and represent a moment of develped of art :)
