martes, 2 de abril de 2013

A Song

Hi guys!
how are you? I am fine, today a will tell you about the music.  I am fanatic to music because this make happy your days, distract you,etc.
I like different style to music and different singer, for example, a like the group Red Hot Chillipeappers, Phill Collins, David Guetta, La ley (Chilean Band),Marck Anthony, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Linkin Park, Backstreet Boys, R.E.M, Foo Fighters, etc.
But my favourite  song called  "Can't Stop" by Red Hot Chillipeppers, this band is US and exist from 1983. This Band is very famous and its style of music is Rock Alterntivo.
I dont remember when listened for first time, but it was a long time. 
I like this song because it give me energy, the rythm is powerful, i loved the lyrics this song. Really i like this band, is powerful, have more songs but this is my favourite.
This is the song:

I'll see you later, i hope you like this.
Live the rock!!
Bye kisses!

4 comentarios:

  1. Mane :D I´ve never listened this song before :( but I like a few song of Red Hot ChiliPeppers

  2. Hi Manee!
    I like Red Hot Chilipeppers, and I like the song "Can´t stop", but I found so difficult sing this song jajajaja. I cost so much learn this song.

  3. Hi mane!!! the song is very good! I like the group and all song.
    what a good choice!

  4. Hi Mane!!!

    I like this songs,is very energizing :)

    see you latter.
