viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

I would like to learn

Hi dear bloggers!! How are you ?? I hope you fine.
Well guys today I´ll talk about something I would like to do.
I would like to learn many thing, for example: I would be a good cook, I would be  Singer, i would be a good dancer but i really would like be to learn to play the violin.
I would like to learn to play the violin because i think that the violin is a beautiful instrument, I like its sound and i think that is a elegant istrument, is my  frustrating dream.
But I am have difficultly for learn to play the violin, because my parents dont have enough money for buy a violin and I am neither have a enough money. My second difficult,  it is said that  for learn to play violin the person have to learn from is a child and I have 21 years old :C buuuu! But i think that with effort i have to make.
For to learn to play the violin I need one year mínimum and very time for the practice. In addition I´ll need equipment, such as a violin and  a master.
The difficulties I would face in trying to learn is the time, because I am undergraduate and all time I have to read, i have make academic work so I dont have enough time for to learn to play the violin. 
Just this guys! I see you in the next week

Que hay que saber de un violin

4 comentarios:

  1. The violin sounds too good!
    it is great and sounds so elegant and relaxing :3
    See you!

  2. Mane I hate youuuu so much, because I remeber him :c, You are the worst friend jajajajaj, Regards Mane c:

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Mane I think thatt the violin is the worst instrument in the world, because I have a bad experience with it jajaja, kisses.
