viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 Febrero

Hi dear bloggers!
How are you??? I am very stress ….  I dont now.. i feel very  exhausted but I hope you fine!
Well guys today i talk about 27 February , when happened earthquake and tsunami in Chile,  this day is very remember for all the chilean, because caused very fear and destruction in the society .  I remember that this week my uncle and my  cousin  were stay in my house and during to day i look after a my cousin. This day was stay in my home, with my mother, my father, my sister, my grandmother, my uncle and my cousin but all slept this nigth, because it was already too late.
When was the earthquake, i did  woke up because been very noise and i felt how the floor it moved, but i dont felt fear but my uncle was very fear and she cry! In this moment i did try  switch on the ligth but  i can´t. Minute before when the finish earthquake, we was gather and my mother was in shock and paralyse :C she felt very fear! My sister dont understend the situation , but my grandmother, my father and me, were calm.
We were in the darkness, but we had flashligth for emergency and inspect the house and nothing was wrong, nothing broken and we had  water but dont had telephone.  This night we come back to slept and the next day we found the radio and we listened the massacre and destruction in the country, i felt very anguish and we been very surpised for the tsunami we dont belived.
After two days we had electric light and switch on the TV, we saw the horror, the destruction in the country, the dead… uff… i felt impressive, very sad and worried for my family live in the south of chile and for my friends.   For lucky all my family and friends been fine but my mother and my sister been very fear for many time, they  been trauma.
Well guys this is my history, i hope you dont suffer in the 27 february!
I see you in the next class and i hope you enjoy this weekend! Byee!

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

My Pet

Hi dear classmates bloggers!How are you?? I am fine but i am very sleepy  :C this week was very exhausting U.U
But this week i talk about  my pet, well the pet of my sister too.  My pet is a cat, it arrived when was very small to my  house. I got it because my  good mother  gave to me and my sister Francisca. It cat called “Sr. Cat” or “Robin Parker” jajajaja it have two names because my mother it is called  “Sr. Cat” but my sister it is called “Robin Parker” jajaj is very confused. When he arrived to my house was shy and wary  but with the time he trust in new family.

The Sr. Cat doesnt more thing, he only sleep for all day  and  miaow  when he wanted eat, he is very handy  because sometimes search afecction and play but in other moments he doesnt  want :C and when he is angry , he scratch me or my sister…. This hurt!!!

In my house we take care off him, played with him  and we give love him but my father give him eat in the morning and in the night but the lunch give my grandmother or my sister or I.

Well this is a photo when my cat was small, but in the present is very big and fat jajajaja!

Well guys i see you the next week !!!
Regards and enjoy you weekend!!



jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

Special meal

Hi my classmantes bloggers!
How are you??? I'm fine but i am very tired... I hope you are well because today i talk about a beautiful topic, i talk about a special meal.
For me is very difficult remember, but i remember a New Year dinner. For years ago all my family  was coupled in the house of my grandmother ( the mother of my mother) to celebrate a New Year, in this celebration i werw with my parents, my uncle, my aunt,  my cousin, my two grandmother, but this celebration was the last where were my grandfather and my greatgrandmother, then it was very important for me.
I remember that we ate chicken baked and variety of salad with a good wine. Well this celebration was important for me because i could enjoy for the last time all my family gathered, we danced, celebrated and we shared and remembered many history about the family. 
I miss this celebration with all my family but when my grandfather and my greatgrandmother died :C nothing was ever the same :C is a history very sad, but this is my favourite meal in my life!
I hope you enjoy this wekeend!!!!
Regards and i see you the next week!!

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Beach "El Tabito"

Hi dear Bloggers :)
How are you?? I hope you fine. This week i talk about the beach "El Tabito".
Well my grandmother  from many years have a house in the coast of Chile, this place is  called "El Tabito",this place is located in the province San Antonio, in the región of Valparaíso.
This place is Little, and the house is found in the hill.  I went this place from the 2010, but when a was a child, i went all my holidays.    
I went with my parents, my grandmother and my sister. In this place I did play with my sister, i went to the beach, I swam in the ocean but my sister felt fear for the beach :C .
I remember this visit because my parents dont enjoy the holidays for yours job but this summer they enjoyed yours holidays with my grandmother, my sister and me. In addition i was very happy that summer, in the night we went to "El Tabo" or "Algarrobo" to visit the funfair, ate churros and bought craftsmanship . In occacion we visited to my uncle, but his house located in "El Tabo" is very near from the house of my grandmother :).
Well Guys i hope you visit the beach "El Tabito" is a Little place but the coast is beautiful and very relax :)
Enjoy this weekend and I see you the next week !!! Bye!!!