viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 Febrero

Hi dear bloggers!
How are you??? I am very stress ….  I dont now.. i feel very  exhausted but I hope you fine!
Well guys today i talk about 27 February , when happened earthquake and tsunami in Chile,  this day is very remember for all the chilean, because caused very fear and destruction in the society .  I remember that this week my uncle and my  cousin  were stay in my house and during to day i look after a my cousin. This day was stay in my home, with my mother, my father, my sister, my grandmother, my uncle and my cousin but all slept this nigth, because it was already too late.
When was the earthquake, i did  woke up because been very noise and i felt how the floor it moved, but i dont felt fear but my uncle was very fear and she cry! In this moment i did try  switch on the ligth but  i can´t. Minute before when the finish earthquake, we was gather and my mother was in shock and paralyse :C she felt very fear! My sister dont understend the situation , but my grandmother, my father and me, were calm.
We were in the darkness, but we had flashligth for emergency and inspect the house and nothing was wrong, nothing broken and we had  water but dont had telephone.  This night we come back to slept and the next day we found the radio and we listened the massacre and destruction in the country, i felt very anguish and we been very surpised for the tsunami we dont belived.
After two days we had electric light and switch on the TV, we saw the horror, the destruction in the country, the dead… uff… i felt impressive, very sad and worried for my family live in the south of chile and for my friends.   For lucky all my family and friends been fine but my mother and my sister been very fear for many time, they  been trauma.
Well guys this is my history, i hope you dont suffer in the 27 february!
I see you in the next class and i hope you enjoy this weekend! Byee!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Mane
    I happened something similar.. that day, we had water and telephono, but don't light :c
    That earthquake was horrible for all country :c
    Regards c:

  2. Hello Mane, the february 27th entire Chile felt fear, thanks to God you were with your family, Greetings!
