viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

My Pet

Hi dear classmates bloggers!How are you?? I am fine but i am very sleepy  :C this week was very exhausting U.U
But this week i talk about  my pet, well the pet of my sister too.  My pet is a cat, it arrived when was very small to my  house. I got it because my  good mother  gave to me and my sister Francisca. It cat called “Sr. Cat” or “Robin Parker” jajajaja it have two names because my mother it is called  “Sr. Cat” but my sister it is called “Robin Parker” jajaj is very confused. When he arrived to my house was shy and wary  but with the time he trust in new family.

The Sr. Cat doesnt more thing, he only sleep for all day  and  miaow  when he wanted eat, he is very handy  because sometimes search afecction and play but in other moments he doesnt  want :C and when he is angry , he scratch me or my sister…. This hurt!!!

In my house we take care off him, played with him  and we give love him but my father give him eat in the morning and in the night but the lunch give my grandmother or my sister or I.

Well this is a photo when my cat was small, but in the present is very big and fat jajajaja!

Well guys i see you the next week !!!
Regards and enjoy you weekend!!



3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Mane Sr cat is pretty, his eyes are beautiful. In this photo he looks lovely.

  3. mane! Sr. Cat is very cool i like it and in the picture he is so so tender and beatiful! regards !!
