viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Un Probador de Videojuegos
Hi my dear bloggers! How are you? I hope you fine. Today I am very stress and i am die of tiredness :C  and tomorrow i will have a field of “Cuaternario” :C i cant rest :c buuuu!
Today i talk you about a work i would like have, really, is very difficult for me because i would like many Jobs jajajaja for example i would like work in a shop of clothes but very fashion!, in addition i would like work with a music band, travel for all the world  and enjoy with they … or  i would like work in a idyllic land for  enjoy this wonderfull land. But I would like work check the new videogame before of the premiere, this Jobs is konwn how  “Game Taster” but i would like this job  because  this job is exclusive  for  someone can check a new video game before of the premiere and examine the video game but the most important is that this job is very funny.
 The principal qualities is be a good playgame, be very fast for play and examine the some mistake in the graph of game. I think that i would be good this job, because i like so much the videogame and i love how the cutting edge technology  help to progress the graph of a videogame.   
One day i saw in the news programme a feature about this job and is not much known but this day i would like this job.

Okey guys this is my post, i really hope you enjoy ans rest this weekend   Regards!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

 Hi dear bloggers! How are you? I hope you fine. Today  i’m feel very happy because finally this wekeend I will be able rest, play, sleep very much and enjoy my wekeend jajajaja yheeii!
Today a talk you about a walk i would like to do again, but my memory is very fragile jajaja but i remember a walk in the year 2011, the walk went in San Bernardo, very  near the work of my father. This walk, is a tipic walk end of year for the work of my father, but, my family never went this walk before, but in the year 2011, we went y we enjoyed that a good evening. I really enjoyed this walk, because we spoke all the evening, we played,  we ate very food for example, we ate pasty, ice cream, we drank beer and soft drink ; we sleep and relax all day in family!. In addition, during the day, show up the “Papa Noel” with many gift! Jajaja my sister  and the other child was crazy about the gift.
I really would like to do it again this walk because i want and need stay all day with my father, my mother and my sister, i need relax and forget all the problems and responsibility of the university only for one day! I really need!! Because i very stress jajaja  and i would like revive this beautifull moment with my family.  
Guys! I hope you enjoy my post and i hope you enjoy this weekend J 
I see you in the next class Bye!

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Hello dear bloggers!! How are you?? I hope you fine because today is friday!  Today i feel  a little make sick :C and very tired because tomorrow i have work in the field, in the course “Cuaternario”, but I hope you  enjoy this weekend for me

This day i talk you about a game   that i enjoy in my free time. When i have a free time, i enjoy played in the games consoles called Xbox 360, this games consoles have a special system, because have a sensor that can see all your body in the screen of televisión.  I really like play in the game console because i can enjoy, dance, jump and when i played with my sister or my mother, we laugh and always dance!. In addition  i like this game for you can dance music the some age.

In my house have five games for the games console, and all be to dance!!. Have games the Zumba, Just Dance but my  favourite game is the “Dance Central 3”. This game is very entertaining  because  you have to dance music of different era, for example music  of the year 80’ , 90’ and of the at present. In addition in the game you belong to a secret agency called “Central DCI”, where you have save to other dancer crew  that be capture in other era because the  Dr. Tan ( evil charácter) have dominate the world! Jajjaaj is very funny .

 You can  played alone or in couple and you have  played in mode "Crew Throwdown".  You can see the video of the game here:      
This only guys! i see you the next class :) Regards!

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hi dear friends bloggers!! How are you? I hope you fine, because is Friday Friday (!! Jajaaja  good guys today i will talk you about the future! This topic is interesting, because the future is very uncertain, the life change in any moment. But  today i talk where o what I will be doing in 10 years time!
For me is very  difficult talk about the future, but i think i will be in my country, Chile, but living in the south of Chile, maybe in Puerto Montt  or in the  mountain of Temuco and i would like have a beautifull house.  I would like to be a great Geographer, i will have a good work  and a generouse salary. I would like share my life with my partner  and live with my partner  but i will like keep in touch with my family and  seen  them constantly.
I belive that i will  achieved my own house, my profession complete, maybe have my first car and i would like travel to other countries, for example, Brazil, Francia and England.
I think that in the future, the world will be many different, i think that in the future only exist enourmus building,  the cars flaying because the Street is inssuficient  for many cars or in the future the computer and  mobile phone will be only digital, but  i would like that exist many parks for enjoy of the nature. I would like that in the future don't exist the war and the poverty over!!

Well guys, i hope you enjoy this weekend and see  you in the next class or in the future jajaja xDBye!